The author of Lament Forgive blogging from a Christian perspective about Forgiveness and The Nonviolent God, as well as Books and Writing.

Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

The Myth of Revenge

When a sorry—and the dignity an apology would restore to us—is not forthcoming, we have a tendency to try to claim it for ourselves by punishing the person who hurt us.

This revenge takes many forms: we withhold affection, attention, or presence; we resort to physical violence, property damage, or workplace sabotage; or we make destructive comments, start vicious gossip, or tell stories of long-held grudges.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

The Magic of Sorry

The word sorry, spoken sincerely by someone who has wronged you, has an almost magical quality to it. The bitterness and anger and animosity we feel towards the person has a tendency to begin thawing immediately at a hastened rate.

All because of this single word.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

The Story Shame Tells Makes Sense

We would be wise not to underestimate shame’s ability to tell a rollicking good tale. It weaves words like broken, wrecked, flawed, contaminated, dirty, alone, or unlovable so majestically into our narratives that we often do not recognise its subtle influence.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

How Story Shapes Our Identity

We tell stories about our lives all the time. We obviously do not share every single one of them publicly, keeping many of them to ourselves, but we use story to make autobiographical sense of our own lives.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

Where do I Start?

Sometimes we ask the question where do I start? with the boldness or conviction to face an unpleasant task and get it over with as quickly as possible. Occasionally, we say it with despair, wondering where the time or energy or help will come from to unravel all the disloyalty, betrayal, and abuse we’ve suffered in our life.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

Why is it so Hard to Forgive?

I think we find it hard to forgive due to how the pain of being mistreated does not seem to fade over time. We see the person who wronged us or we hear their name or we walk by where they live and we are reminded of what happened with painful vividness.

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Forgiveness Steve Hall Forgiveness Steve Hall

Does Forgiving the Same Hurt get any Easier?

I imagine the disloyalty, betrayal, and abuse we suffer, as string that wraps around our heart and becomes tied in place each time a person wounds us. My assumption is, if you're asking this question, that there's a vast ball of string with many knots around your heart.

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